Where’s the epiphany?

John Wins
2 min readOct 10, 2021
“Epiphany police, arrest this ongoing feeling of apathy.”

Where is it? Tell us, please.

How can we notice the light shining around us when we can’t find the switch inside our thoughts?

Where’s the epiphany of realizing “you + me” couldn’t be “we”?

Where’s this flash of lucidity to understand that isn’t about a strong liquid in our glasses, but always because there’s nothing like a solid laugh in the middle of the night?

Where, when and who can send a warning in the shape of flowers, then we’ll see what a beautiful garden you can enjoy in every park you walk?

Where’s the epiphany to make us look up at the sky and really feel the first drop of rain gently hitting our foreheads?

Where is it?

Why do we keep writing but we don’t want to read? The best chronicles are still waiting for a pair of eyes.

Should we get high to climb up invisible hills? So perhaps we can say out loud that we need to fly away to some incredible country while the mountains near our neighborhood are still untouchable without or visit.

Where is the epiphany of feeling the touch of a hug and then hugging again with your arms making strange movements on the back, like cuddling invisible angel wings?

Where’s the epiphany of paying a surprise visit, telling the person how much you care, leaving a gift, and coming home, but knowing that those minutes talking nonsense were so much better than the last year of your life?

Where is the epiphany to look in the mirror and prepare the best makeup you can, listening to a playlist of cool songs, knowing that in a few minutes you’ll feel amazing?

Where is a single shot of conscience to make us feel awake and not sleepwalking at work?

Why are you not sending a package of love during a season of sadness?

What did the numbness steal from us?

Where’s that life-light switch we are still trying to find?

Where’s the epiphany?

Tell me, please.

