Friend Request

John Wins
2 min readOct 30, 2020


“Everyone wants to be Chandler, Phoebe, Monica, Joey, etc… but no one wants to be there for you.”

In the real life sitcom, we will have less daily episodes with our dear friends, but tons of reruns in our minds. Missing everyone, wishing for a reunion.

Yeah, no one told us that life was gonna be this way. Friends denying meetings, forgetting birthdays, but showing an incredible friendship in the lovely world of the internet, where photos give an unreal sense of friendship.

Everyone wants to be Chandler, Phoebe, Monica, Joey, etc… but no one wants to be there for you.

In times like these, having a good time with a friend is like running a marathon, but not a binge watch one. You need to make a real connection, make your friend feel special, then maybe you’ll be better than the comfort of a couch surrounded by smartphone, social media and one of those streaming services.

Do you remember sitting on the street and talking to friends during your childhood? Life was good. It is not impossible to do this again, but it is just as difficult as not accessing your profile accounts every day.

Life was that good, because we didn’t have many options to waste our time, so focusing on people were our “checking the feed” back then.

Streets are slowly losing our conversations, our calls, our time to enjoy each other in a genuine way.

You can always shows up to someone’s place. If at least you’re bringing a cake, I’m sure your friend will enjoy your company. Okay, maybe a call beforehand, but promise yourself that you will go there.

Times are so strange, that even with such incredible progress with technology and as we are connected all the time, we definitely cannot replace the feeling or the closeness of a true friend.

Instead of emojis, in the depths of our hearts we just want a shoulder, an inside joke, a reason to take a picture, alcohol to celebrate, bands to listen to together, trips to make us feel special and no more “seen messages” without answers, because tomorrow may never come, and at least today we are friends.

There are no more toys or stories from our children’s days to share, but let me tell you:

You’ve got a friend in me.

